

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


Super Bowl XLIX

Super Bowl XLIX

Yesterday was one of the most watched sporting events of the year -- Super Bowl XLIX. (Question: why is a purely American sport counted with Roman numerals?)

We invited people in our area to MVP Sunday at Dan River Church: donuts, great message and worship, hamburgers, hot dogs, games, and giveaways.

The volunteers in our kids' service - Kid Central - wore jerseys to help with the party atmosphere.

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(Don't you love how even Kaden's hair adds to the team spirit? Black & gold!)

Why do we have Steelers jerseys on if the Steelers aren't even playing? As a Steelers fan, we just can't root for the Patriots so by default, we're Seahawks fans.

Can you even consider someone a fan who just wears the team jersey to support her husband's favorite team? I doubt it. I cannot make myself enjoy watching an entire football game (or even part of one), but I choose to cheer for the Steelers since my husband is a die-hard Steelers fan.

As a follower of Christ, I just cannot cheer for anyone or anything that is disrespectful or hurtful to the cause of Christ. In the same way, even though people in my life may be difficult to love (incredibly difficult in some cases), I choose to love them because I know that God loves them.

That's what it means to be a true fan of Christ (a Christ-follower): to hate what God hates and love who God loves.

Training to Be an Athlete

Training to Be an Athlete

