

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


Let's Hear It for Hot Water

Let's Hear It for Hot Water

We lost our hot water on one of the coldest days of winter. We could not figure out why the water was coming out ice cold. My hands were so cold after rinsing the dishes that I had to warm them in front of the fireplace in order to feel them again.

We discovered that the switch had been turned off in the fuse box for some reason. We switched it back on, hoping that would fix the problem.

No such luck.

So we did what we always do about house repairs . . . we called a friend.

Glenn rode in on his white horse (ok, actually it was a white truck) and saved the day (or at least the feeling in my hands)!

Apparently one of the elements in the hot water heater had burned out. Thankfully, he was able to replace the element and got the hot water heater running again in a couple of hours.

I think I heard the Hallelujah chorus playing in my head when I finally felt warm water coming out of the kitchen faucet. We were so grateful to our friend Glenn and his sacrifice of his time and energy for our (huge) benefit.

As I showered in a nice, steamy shower that night, I was reminded how fortunate we are. I never thought I would add "hot water" to my gratitude list, but it's definitely on there now.



You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover

You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover