

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


Radical Surgery

Radical Surgery

Scoliosis. The word conjures images of leaning over in the middle school locker room while the coach checked my spine for abnormalities. An extremely uncomfortable situation became an area of concern when I failed the spine test. My spine has an s-curve with a twist. I like to think of my spine as just being a bit fancier than the average plain old spine (a little flare). Thankfully, scoliosis hasn't caused any major complications in my life (not yet, anyway), but maintaining core strength and attending to my out of place muscles and bones with trips to the chiropractor on a regular basis are requirements.


When my scoliosis was discovered, the doctor molded a back brace for me. It was meant to reshape my spine so that the curvature would decrease at the very least or straighten completely, ideally. However, this was middle school. I was already an awkward preteen with a body made up entirely of limbs wearing coke-bottle glasses. I wore the brace faithfully for a few weeks then "accidentally" forgot it everyday afterwards. Our bodies tend toward degeneration so my spine did as well. Drivers' education classes instruct us to steer into the curve. My spine did the same with no corrective energy on my part.

Years later, I have no expectation of my spine ever being straight. After daily neglecting my health in middle school and high school, I suffer the consequences now. I manage any discomfort and limits to my range of motion with therapy and exercise.

We are human. We make poor choices. When we make the same poor choice day in and day out for months, years, or decades, we may feel that there is now no hope for healing. Is it too late? Do we have to just live with the guilt and condemnation the rest of our lives? Do we merely manage the damage we may have caused?

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

When we surrender our lives to Christ, we are made new. We don't just manage our broken and degenerated souls. God performs radical surgery, creating new in place of old. No matter what situation, pain, grief, abuse, or sin is hobbling us, our surrender to God starts the healing process. He alone is Jehovah Rapha, the God Who Heals.

Offer an Oreo

Offer an Oreo

Flail or Flip

Flail or Flip