

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


Offer an Oreo

Offer an Oreo

Today is National Eat an Oreo Day. I admit I had no idea.

We are big fans of Oreos in this family. When we're feeling a bit adventurous, we try seasonal Oreos. We are always disappointed, though. The original Oreo trumps all other Oreos (except Double Stuff Oreos . . . maybe).


Oreos provide a great memory tool as well. Have you ever had to confront someone? Have you ever had to correct a coworker? It's not fun. Conflict is not my favorite thing, but when I think of delicious Oreos, it makes the task at hand a bit easier.

When dealing with conflict, start with the first cookie. Give a bit of encouragement. This requires us to pay attention. Notice when the person in need of correction does something well. Share this observation.

Now comes the creamy center of the Oreo. Speak the truth. What is it that needs to be said? Choose your words wisely. This is only the original Oreo we're dealing with here, not double stuff, mega stuff, or all the stuff. One point of correction is all that is needed.

One more cookie left. Let's take the opportunity to follow up any correction with another bit of encouragement. This is not a throw away comment: "Great job!" "We appreciate all you do!" Be specific.

My favorite way to eat an Oreo is to dip each cookie in a glass of milk. This is what it means to speak the truth in love. We bathe the whole conversation in prayer just as I bathe my Oreos in milk. Speaking the truth in love is impossible to do in our own power. We need the grace and mercy of God to fill us so we can extend that grace and mercy to others.

"Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church." Ephesians 4:15 (NLT)

Just as Oreos are created to be savored, let's savor our relationships. Even when those relationships become strained for one reason or another, we can determine to take the time to bless others with an Oreo.

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